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Blood Moon – Total Lunar Eclipse, September 2015

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

September Lunar Eclipse (Illustration) Credit: Meteorwatch

This September, the Earth will be hit by massive asteroids, fried by solar flares, experience tsunamis, and lots of other horrid end of the world things from the Bible.  All caused by a total lunar eclipse or “Blood Moon” for those who like drama and prophesies and stuff! #omgweareallgoingtodie

To be serious though, the world isn’t going to end and there is more chance of winning the lottery. So please read on to find out more about this fabulous Lunar Eclipse/ Blood Moon which occurs late September, without all the end of the world nonsense.

What is a Blood Moon/ Total Lunar Eclipse?

Lunar eclipses aren’t to be confused with solar eclipses, both involve the Moon.

A solar eclipse is where the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun blocking it’s light – turning day to night with the Moon’s shadow.

Every once in a while and more commonly, the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun creating a Lunar Eclipse.

What we see from Earth is the Moon slowly darkening and changing colour over a few hours to orange or a deep red.  (A Blood Moon as some like to call it).

We are witnessing the Moon passing into Earth’s shadow (Umbra) and reflecting light back passing through Earth’s atmosphere – very similar to a sunset.  During a lunar eclipse The Moon is illuminated by sunlight passing through Earth’s shadow making it look orange/red.

Late September heralds the fourth and last in a tetrad. A series of four consecutive total lunar eclipses (Blood Moons) in 2014 – 2015.  This has something to do with all the end of the world prophesies the media love to go on about, but we won’t do so here.

Rest assured the world isn’t going to end! Armageddon is postponed until well after Christmas. 😉


Lunar Eclipse Side View. Credit: NASA

Lunar Eclipse Side View. Credit: NASA

How And When To Watch The September 2015 Lunar Eclipse – Blood Moon

You only need your eyes to watch and no other equipment is needed.  If you fancy a closer look and to see what other things there are in the night sky, you could use some binoculars or a telescope.  Check out the Guide to choosing the right telescope. If you are thinking about getting one consider getting binoculars first as they are cheaper and easier to use.  Every stargazer should own a pair.  Celestron Skymaster 15 x 70’s with a cheap tripod are highly recommended.

The Lunar Eclipse will be visible to anyone in the Atlantic regions of the planet including: Much of North and South America, Africa, UK and Western Europe.

Please see times below.

Date – Time UTC/GMT Event Appearance
28 September 00:12 Penumbral Eclipse begins Penumbral Eclipse begins
28 September 01:07 Partial Eclipse begins Partial Eclipse begins
28 September 02:11 Full Eclipse begins Full Eclipse begins
28 September 02:47 Maximum Eclipse Maximum Eclipse
28 September 03:23 Full Eclipse ends Full Eclipse ends
28 September 04:27 Partial Eclipse ends Partial Eclipse ends
28 September 05:22 Penumbral Eclipse ends Penumbral Eclipse ends

To convert UTC to your time zone visit Timeanddate.com UK observers (BST)  +1 hour. East US observers (EDT) -4 hours

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