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Telescope List – The Ultimate and Easy List Of What to Buy

Telescope List – The Ultimate and Easy List Of What to Buy

Telescopes Made Easy – The Simple List Of What to Buy

telescopes, Telescope list

Telescope List: Telescopes are tough to choose and confusing. There’s this type and that type. Big ones and small ones. Wooden ones. Plastic ones and telescopes made of metal. Telescopes with mirrors. Telescopes with lenses. Some long. Some short. Computerised, equatorial and manual. The list of different features, specifications and options goes on and on! Which one do you choose?

You can buy astronomy magazines. Read all the ads and research the internet. Ask around, seek advice and spend a lot of time deciding on the right telescope. Time-consuming and confusing for many!

Don’t worry, help is at hand.

This isn’t a guide to choosing telescopes, it’s a telescope list! There are guides on this site, such as Beginners Telescopes – The Best Telescope Guide and Review.  This article lists telescopes in a simple way. What they do and suitability for you! (more…)

Saturns Rings and Planets in May – How to See Them

Saturns Rings and Planets in May – How to See Them

The Ringed planet Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Mercury in May 2014

Saturn Credit: NASA

Saturn Credit: NASA

Saturn, Mars and Jupiter will be visible in night skies this month with tiny Mercury toward the end of May. We are in for a real treat as four of the best planets to see will be on show.  Venus shines bright in the mornings just before sunrise. (more…)

Telescope Eyepieces: The Weakest Link

Telescope Eyepieces: The Weakest Link

 Originally posted on Universe Today by meteorwatch

Do you have a new telescope, or are you considering buying a new one? Hopefully, you have chosen a telescope with the best specifications for your budget, but before you can truly get the best out of your wonderful new window on the cosmos, you need to have something even more important than the scope – Eyepieces!

A lot of people new to astronomy, or new to buying astronomy equipment tend to concentrate on telescopes and unfortunately overlook eyepieces, settling for the basic set of 2 or 3 that come with the new telescope.

Eyepieces are probably the most important part of your observing equipment, as they are at the heart of your setup and can make your observing experience fantastic or disastrous, or make an average telescope great or an excellent telescope bad. (more…)

Beginner’s Guide to Astronomy – Refractor Telescopes

Beginner’s Guide to Astronomy – Refractor Telescopes

If you ask someone to describe or draw a telescope, nine times out of ten it will be a refractor.

The refractor telescope is quite possibly the most common or easily recognized telescope. It is a very simple design, which has been around for hundreds of years.

The history of the refractor is that it was first invented in the Netherlands in 1608, and is credited to 3 individuals; Hans Lippershey, Zacharias Janssen – spectacle-makers and Jacob Metius.

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